onsdag den 2. februar 2011

Ruta 40 - part 2

Woke up after a good nights sleep at the Belgrano Hotel. Didn't have to catch the bus until 10 so we took a slow morning, picked up some fruit and water for the drive and skipped breakfast. Still full from last nights meal.
Was picked up by another bus - this one without toilet - and realised that todays drive was going to be 14 hours as well. But more gravel roads. Apart from 1½ hours at the end of the day the rest of the day was gravel only. Landscape more or less the same as yesterday afternoon. Dessert, no living things for miles except for the odd llamas here and there. No traffic on the road more or less. Really feels like being on another planet. 

No towns to stop at so apart from a couple of bush pee stops we didn't get anything to eat until late in the afternoon when we finally stopped for ½ hour at a place where the menu was empanadas con carne - and cake. We opted for the full menu. Drove for some more hours and suddenly the mountains appeared in the horizon. Some of them snowcapped, the sun setting behind them creating the most intense light show. Enjoyed the sunset and the mountains that just seemed to be far away even though we drove and drove. 
Finally we arrived in El Chalten at 21. Had the key for our room and dropped our stuff before going out to find some food. Had 2 recommendations from Pernille and Christian but the first place was full (we'll go there tomorrow instead because it looked really nice). The second place had room for us - and meat lasagne "Patagonia Style". In short you take some cheese, tomato sauce, a few veggies and add 4 small steaks from prime meat. Stack it all - and voila - lasagne. That was a good treat. Tiramisu for dessert. We are on a missing to taste Tiramisu as many places as possible.
Back to the hostel at midnight. Another long, but good day. Sooooo happy we not going on any bus tomorrow.

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