torsdag den 13. januar 2011

Last day in Raglan

Raglan turned out to be the perfect place for us to finish our New Zealand visit this time. Laid back, fantastic backpackers place, nice sunshine - everything we wanted more or less. One minor incident. The fact that we woke up to the sound of a helicopter landing in our bed at 5:30 in the morning. Turned out the local helipad was right behind the backpackers place - and our room - and they were doing a search and rescue misson in the morning.

So after a few landings and take-offs I decided to get up and enjoy the morning. Malene stayed in bed defiying the fact that there was jet engine noise every 20 minutes or so. I took a walk in town, shopped some fresh juice at the supermarket, a newspaper and a cup of coffee at the local cafe - and just enjoyed the sunshine and the very quiet morning.
Didn't do much else. Maybe we should be better at that. Will work on not doing less this year. Right. Had fabuluous brunch at 11, did a lot of washing and relaxed. Started packing the backpacks and realised that I had lost a couple of trousers somewhere on New Zealand.

Went to the beach later in the afternoon and had a few swims in the sea. Went back to backpackers place and rented a couple of kayaks to do a short trip - to the local bridge and back again. The sun was coming down and it was just so nice to sit there at let the current do most of the work on our way back. Had icecream, cake and late harvest for dinner. And then a couple of beers in the sunshine watching the sun set over the sea. How good is that.

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