onsdag den 12. januar 2011

Heading for Raglan

Left Whakatane in the morning. Backpacker place was nice but the town was a bit so-so and we wanted something a bit closer to the sea. So we headed for Raglan on the opposite side of the island. Not more the 300 km of driving so that should be sorted before the morning was over.

Arrived in Raglan at 1 in the afternoon and realised that this was our place. Small town, right at the sea, sunshine, sushi place, laid back backpackers place. Not too much going on. Everything we needed and peaceful and quiet.
Got our room and went straight for the sushi place. Picked up our lunch there and went to the beach to sit and enjoy the weather and the fact that we found what we were looking for. Did a bit of swimming in the afternoon. Had good dinner and drinks in the evening. This is much more how it is supposed to be here in Kiwi-land.

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