onsdag den 1. september 2010

Vacation is wonderful

Woke up to a beautiful morning. Decided to try to sleep some more, but the canoing team got up early to leave for their 4 hour canoe trip at 7:55 and since they had breakfast right next to our tents it was impossible to stay asleep. Laying there in the backpack listening to the birds, realising that anywhere else is a workday....hard to feel anything but happy. Got up to a nice breakfast at the truck, looking forward to a quiet morning. We're not supposed to leave until 11 when the canoeing team is back so we have all morning to just hang around and do nothing. I could stay here for some days - no problem, but Namibia is also going to be a good experience so we better get moving.
Arrived at our camp site at 3 in the afternoon. Put up tents and had 50 minutes before departing to the canyon. The road here was long and dusty and immediately after leaving the border post we hit the dirt roads. Not that they are that bad but the are certainly one step down compared to paved roads. And there is this smell of dust in the truck all the time. Funny thing - leaving South Africa also meant changing to UK time at the border...
Fish River canyon was great. 5 km from the camp site. Driving there with the truck and was kicked out at the end of the world. Had a great overview of the canyon. Walked back to the truck and watched the sun set. That was a beautiful experience. Went back with the truck to have dinner at the camp site. Tomorrow leaving at 6 - must get up at 5 and pack the tent. Better get to bed now.

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