fredag den 3. september 2010

Dawn in the desert

The good news: We stayed at the same camp site today so no packing of tents and bumpy bus for 6-7-8-9 hours. The not so good news: Had to get up at 4:45 am to be on our way to dune 45 (45 km from the camp site) to climp the giant pile of sand to see the sun rise in the desert. Got there in no time thanks to warp-speed-driving guide.
Realised that dunes can be up to 350 meters tall - after that the wind gets too strong and it stays at that hight for some centuries. Anyway, our dune 45 was only a baby. A mere 150 meters tall, so at 6 in the morning I, Malene and some 40 other unlucky souls climbed a steep version of Himmelbjerget - only with the nice added feature that was had to do it in loose sand.
Got to the top, saw the sun rise (nice) and went down to the truck for a nice egg/bacon breakfast and watch the sun rise further and further over the desert constantly changing the shades and colors. That was the best breakfast in memory.
Drove a bit further into the desert to meet up with mr. Bushman for a two hour guided walk in the desert. He was a real example of somebody who's just perfect for his job. Small energetic man in the 50's. Real ranger type who was just made for the desert. He was always running. We were walking. After 10 minutes in standing with the rest of the group on a truck ! we made it to the "flain". Dried out riverbed that floods every 10-15 years. And the we went walking with mr Boesman. Got the entire history on the dunes. How sand is blown hundreds of kilometers from the shore to the desert where it settles in these nice piles of redish mountains. How the animals adapted to the environment and most importantly how people had lived there until the early 1900's as hunters and gathers. How the bushmen had been able to sneak as close as 5 meters to their prey, shoot it with a poison arrow and then eat the eye-balls, drink the blood and up to 10 kilos of meat in one single meal !
Being in the desert with mr. Boesman was an avalanche of information. Too much to mention here. He found a spiders nest buried under the sand. A spider the dug a 20 cm deep tunnel and made a velcro-like door at the top to keep sand out. So he gently opened the door and put some sand in the hole. Within a few seconds a couple of black legs emerged and the door was shut by the angry inhabitant. Amazing. Went back to the camp, had lunch, hung out, had the camp shaken a bit by a dirt devil that went right through the camp in 10 seconds. Luckily our tent was closed.  Went to the pool and slept there for a couple of hours while the sun was getting close to the horizon. Had a cold beer and headed for dinner. It's hard to travel.
Will go to bed shortly. Tomorrow is packing day leaving for Swarkopmund where we'll stay in small houses for 2 nights.  Temporary break from the tents. Yes. This is sooooo nice.

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