tirsdag den 31. august 2010

Getting on the truck

Joined the group yesterday evening. 20 pax mainly from Europe and Canada. 2 danes - that's us - 1 girl from Finland, a handfull of germans, a couple from Switzerland. Age ranging from early 20's to the 70's. Good mix but a larger group than usually. Got the paperwork in place last night, packing the last stuff.

Got up 6 in the morning, breakfast, luggage to the truck, hotel check out and departure at 6:55. Heading towards the Namibian border, leaving Cape Town in the early dawn. Realised that being in the back of a truck is some kind of bumpy experience. Good that the trip today is only ~600 km.
Driving north through South Africa's monotonous stony, dry western coast was a good opportunity to get some sleep. A hill, a valley, a small dusty collection of houses not big enough to be labeled a town or anything. Perhaps just a dot on some map. Once in a while looking at the country side only to realise that it was more or less the same. And the same. And the same.  Had a small stopover to supply us with water and other praticalities for the next couple of days in a small town.
Arrived at the camp site @ 18:00. Right next to the river bank. A fairly large place. Spent 10 minutes with the guides about the practicalities, how to put up tents. How to avoid getting extra bedfellows into the tent at night, how to avoid getting bitten/stung by something when taking down the tent in the morning etc.

Barbequed pork and other good stuff for dinner. Very nice. Went to "bed" early. Listening to the horny frogs at the river bank calling for some female company.  Fell asleep feeling a bit dizzy after 11 hours on the road. Tomorrow is going to be a lot less driving.

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