tirsdag den 7. september 2010

Truck breakdown

Back in the camp rythm again. Got up at 6. Pitch dark morning so packing all our stuff and tent with the headlamps on. Went to the bush shower and had a fresh morning shower before breakfast. And when the sun got up we were on the way north towards Etosha national park.
Bumpy roads for the first hour and then in the middle of nowhere we stopped. Not unusual since we occasionally do that whenever our driver spots wild animals. However here was absolutely nothing. After a few minutes we realised that the truck had broken down. Not only that. We had lost a piece of the mechanism that is used for the clutch, sowhere down the road. So it looked like a day in the dusty desert waiting for somebody to rescue us. Irv got the bright idea of walking back on the unpaved road to try to look for the 15 cm piece of metal that was now missing on the truck. I followed him and I found the thingy some 700 meters from where we had stopped. Great success. We were on the road again within an hour but we had to do an unplanned stop at the next big town to find a garage to get a better bolt and nut than the one that had to be improvised where the truck broke down.
So after an hour or so we stopped in a new copy of Germany, went to the local "Bäckerei" and ordered Apfelstrudel. A good one indeed. On the road after an hour and then we arrived in Etosha National Park in time for setting up the camp and doing a short drive in the park looking for animals.
That was great. Saw lots of animals incl. rhino and lions, giraffes and springboks, wilderbeest and tons of birds. Came back to the camp after dark and had a nice dinner. Went to the waterhole just next to the camp and saw more rhinos in the dark incl. baby rhino. Later the elephants came to drink, a few zebras and after an hour or so we went back to the tent to sleep.

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