lørdag den 4. september 2010

Heading North

Back on the road again. Up at 6, to a very nice morning with lot's of sunshine. All the packing done, time for some breakfast and leaving the campsite in the truck at 7. Bumpy roads for an hour or so, arrived in Solitaire - in the middle of nowhere. Appearently some guy went by this place some years back, liked the applepie and wrote at book: The long way down. Now it is a "tourist destination" so we had to stop there as well and have applepie for breakfast :-) It was ok, but I keep on wondering where in the desert they grow all the apples. :-)
On the truck again and on some fairly bumpy roads for 3 more hours only stopping at a small mountain pass to take some pictures of a fairly dry and rocky landscape. Arrived in Swakopmund around 1, went directly to the activity booking place with the group and decided to do nothing tomorrow.
The on to our accomodation: A-frame houses. Very nice with room for 6 pax. 4 on the first floor and two at the ground floor. Small kitchen, bathroom. Almost civilised.
Swakopmund. Well that's a totally different story. So German that you feel like walking in the main street and doing a few "Heil" every now and then.  More about that tomorrow. Now well just hang out and have dinner with the group.
1700 km's done so far. 8300 left before Nairobi. That's at least the plan. Right now it is just time to relax. Did I forget to mention how NICE it is to have a real bed to sleep in.

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