onsdag den 10. november 2010

Heading for the hills

Woke up at 3:55 to unfamiliar sound. Realised it was not coming from Malene or something she was doing - there was a mouse trying to eat our crackers - or at least chew its way through the packaging. Turned on light - mouse fled to the top of the ceiling - turned light off - mouse back at the crackers in a few minutes. Decided to throw crackers out of front door - mouse still running around. Managed to get a little bit of sleep before alarm went of at 5:30. Shower, get dressed, packing, short walk to the road to wait for bus.
Beautiful morning, clouds in the horizon to cover for sun but could see reflections of sun on other higher clouds. Fantastic. Bus arrived at 6:20, got seats and realised that the armed forces liked to travel by bus. Lots of guys with guns onboard. Most of them smiling.
Arrived in Ranomafana after 2 hours of driving on twisted roads. Asked bus man what bus to take to Welawaya - it turned out our bus continued so we jumped back in again. No problem getting on another smaller bus in Wela and the drive from there to Ella was only 27 kilometers on some very twisty narrow roads in the hills. Beautiful scenery - but a bit too many earthslides and rocks on the road for the ride to be totally comfortable.

Arrived at the guest house. Picked a nice room with balcony and went for a cup of tea. Realised that the only two guests also were Danes so we had a short chat about their trip and what they had seen north of Kandy and in the hills. They left and we were the only guests. Did a couple of hours of internet for the first time this week and realised that is what the usual spam in the inbox.

Went for some food in town - found a nice cafe and when we ordered food a tuk-tuk arrived with a surround-set so big that it could only just be in there. So we had lots of music for lunch. And some wraps with chicken and veggies. Took a short walk in town and went back to the room. Did some more internet and chat until a powercut killed the connection.
Ordered curry for dinner and went to massage place to check it out. Malene decided to do one hour massage - I went back to guest house. Then the rain started totally crazy. Malene came back from her massage and we went to dinner.
Totally nice dinner with lots of different curry dishes. According to guidebook supposed to be the best in town. We believe the book.

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