søndag den 28. november 2010

The Whitsundays

Woke up to a beautiful morning just of the shore of Esk Island in the Whitsundays. Had a bit of trouble sleeping during the night so I got up on the deck and fell asleep in the fresh morning air. Woke up at around 8 and breakfast was ready a little later. It was so nice with a quiet morning eventhough all of us were on the boat. Had breakfast and a short safety explanation by the skipper before we went snorkling. Beautful reef but the water was a little bit full of "stuff" so only when the sun was shining it was possible to see all the fish and colors. But the reef was fantastic.

Stayed there for an hour before we set course towards "home" only stopping for a short swim at another reef. Got back to marina at 4, back to the hostel for all our luggage and then wait a bit for the bus. Got picked up Greyhound bus and realised that the seats we were assigned to did not exist. A bit of panic but we found two empty seats. The same story was repeated at 2 in the morning when new bus driver asked us to move to our seats. He was the wierdest so far - but we made it to Rainbow beach.

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