søndag den 14. november 2010

Sightseeing Kandy

Slept a bit late. Got up and told the guy at the guesthouse that it was ok to prepare our Sri Lankan breakfast. His answer was "what?". Reminded him that we had ordered it the day before. Like yesterday evening. He had obviously forgotten. Got the Western breakfast instead. Played a little song using "toast on plate"-technique. Must have real food soon !

Walked around the lake in town, looked at the holy "temple of the tooth" from the outside and went to the mall for some food we could bring to the botanical gardens. Got a tuk-tuk to the gardens that are just outside the town. Must say that it was really impressive to walk there and see all the trees, bushes, palms, flowers - everything. Turned out it was also the (only) place in town for teenagers to walk hand-in-hand so there were a lot of kissing benches.

Went back to guesthouse and discussed the plans for the next days. Got in contact with BA to change flight out of Sri Lanka so we could leave a day or two earlier and avoid connecting flight to Cairns via Brisbane - that would also save us 6 hours of flight.

After discussing trip plans for the next couple of days we called the tuk-tuk guy from last night - Raju. Difficult to understand him on the phone but he was at the guesthouse in 5 minutes and then we spent most of an hour talking to him about what we could do. We want to go to Sigiriya rock temple and Polonaruwa site. He says it cannot be done in one day and two days are also a problem. On the other hand we don't want to end up in the middle of nowhere when we might have a connecting flight out of Sri Lanka at the other end of the trip. Still needs confirmation from BA. So we are in kind of the same situation as always. Agreed with Raju at the end to be picked up at 6 in the morning to go "as far as we can" tomorrow. Then we'll just deal with him as we drive.
Got a free ride to local chinese restaurant as thank you. Good food even though Malene mistook a green (strong) chili for a green bean and lost part of the feeling in her mouth.

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