tirsdag den 19. oktober 2010

Tritriva volcano crater

Had really nice breakfast this morning. The forest lodge in Andasibe had taken "petit dejuner" to the extreme so for the past three days breakfast had been half a baguette (dry) and some tasteless jam, garlic tasting butter and a single cup of tea. This morning we had crossaints, jam, tea, papaya juice - the way it is supposed to be. We had a short drive - that took forever because of partly missing road - to a volcanic lake - Tritriva. 146 meters deep and clear blue colored water. Same shape as the island of Madagascar, almost.

Local guide told the story of the myth around the lake - two lovers not being allowed to marry so they jumped into the lake. Had a nice walk to the hilltop near the lake where we could see the fantastic scenery below of all the different fields, houses, streams as far as you could see. Walked down the road and enjoyed the people, houses, scents, smells - just about everything before being picked up by the bus.
Drove back to town. Bought stamps at the local post office, had a short pousse-pousse drive back to the hotel, lunch in the garden and headed towards Ambositra.
Stopping a few times on the way there to enjoy the scenery, rice paddies, a bridge that had been blown up during the unrest in 2002, a craft shop before we finally made it to the guest house at around 17:30.

Rolling thunder when we arrived at the lodge. Real rolling thunder. Seemed to go on forever. And some lightning every now and then.  Had local food for dinner - veggie soup, rice and meat and some fruit for desert.
Local group came after dinner to entertain with some music and dance. It was great. Especially the last part when we all danced with them in a big circle on the floor. Very intense.
Slept in a big dorm - men and women separate dorms. Bed was too short for me - but that wasn't really a surprise in this country where the average height seems to be around 1,55 m.

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